Monday 31 May 2010


English Defence League?

What a pile of shit. I am 16 years old and i KNOW everyone who lives in England
is not ''Full English'' , I'm not. Its Pathetic what these people are doing, A few years
ago a thing called the recession happened, hence no jobs for you thick idiots. Deal with it.
Nobody in thier right mind would employ somone who has a criminal record or anything like that, when they could easily get someone who's qualified. EDL are just looking for somone
to blame for their lack of benefits, Maybe they should look at their Government? Funny how Gordon Brown never had EDL waiting to Fuck him up, yet Muslims do.



Okay this proberly is abit Emo, But this needs to be done.

Nick, you honestly treated me like i was nothing to you. Yeah there were times when you were lovely as anything. I don't hate you for ending it, I'm just hurt that it's now to the point we arn't even friends but i don't know ... You kept posting childish Facebook status's and they hurt.ALOT. We've been through so much i cant hate you, i wish i could because it'd be so much easier then missing you. I really do miss you and i do love you but i dont think we could have lasted much longer, i just was'nt what you wanted i know that now. I just want you to know that this is it. I don't want to be one of those girls who's with an arsehole and her friends hate him. I now see why they hated you so much and i cant believe i was with you after everything you did :/ Gah.

This is it, Goodbye.

.P.S. Hassan is sick SNM.

Thursday 20 May 2010


Youve been there for me, EVERYTIME I needed someone, Its always you :L.
I drag you around shitty stores and make you come to my house at crazy times, ooops.
But i do love you fam. NOW MAKE ME SOME TEAAA xx


It amazes me how nieve people can be, England is and ALWAYS Has been a multicultural country. NO ONE Is fully english, no matter how much you try and say you are its bullshit.
Im so sick of this '' English jobs for english people'' . Okay like let me explain what i mean here ;;
These People that come over here and apparently TAKEYOURJOBS were probs actually born here and finished school and collage And have qualifications. Oh and the beloved flag you lot seem to fly everywhere is also the flag that the BNP And EDL use to promote there racist/facist views so i think everyone should be a little more understanding.

Monday 17 May 2010

17th may

Im actually shitting it for Wednesday, I have a collage interview. WHATAMIMENTTOEVENSAY!? Im Ellen i wont kill you if you let me in you Collage ?!
Gah guess im just going to have to do my best :/. OH AND To top this all off ive been so fucking bored, Everyone i know is all worried abotu exams and stuff :(
Although i think ive now sorted my life out and im now starting to get regular tattoos which is all good n'all because MONEYSSSS Ya'get me haha

Saturday 15 May 2010

I Really Fancied A Rant.

I dont go to school. Haven't done in two or three years. Im NOT Stupid & Im sick of people thinking i am. So ive finally plucked up the courage to apply for collage and STILL People are making comments of me being stupid. I mean ive only applied to collage to prove to people i can do it ...

Now when i prove you ALL WRONG Feel free to all chip in and buy me a house or a car i dont mind.


I haven't writen on here in two days, so i shall now bore you of my events of the last 48 hours.

Friday 14th;
I split up with my boyfriend of a year, It just wasn't working. Drowned my sorrows in Tea.

Saturday 15th;
There was ment to be an amazing Protest in parliament square, Turned up ... NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF HIPPIES!!! I hate facebook events. OH And i finally have my Mohican back (THANKFUCK)

Honestly got bollox else to say right now, My brain is moosh.