Sunday 15 August 2010

Thinking makes me feel bad.

I've been thinking. I've been on this earth for nearly 17 years ... That's nearly 6205 days ... WOW. But yes back to the point i'm trying to make, nearly 17 years and i've made no difference to the world; If i died tomorrow, nobody would miss me. I've done nothing to help anybody, made no impact on anyones life. I want to make people proud of me, i don't want to be just another person... I want to help people, make it a better world for people to live in. I'm not sure how i can achieve my goals i mean giving a quid to a homeless man once and a while is hardly going to change the world ... bt it's a start right? It's not just about charity giving though really, when you think about it money isn't anything. I mean it helps, it doesn't love you though... You can't talk to it about your problems & it wont ever hug you back...
I don't want anybody to ever feel hungry, to ever go without basic necessities.
We're all equal.

I know i'm not superwomen but i can try my best & that's all i can ever do really.


♫T♪ said...

if you died tomorrow, i'd die too, because i'd miss you too much.
and you do make an impact, you stand up for what's right, you go to protests, and you help mates out when they need you. giving a quid here and there makes a massive difference, you've given the guy a hot meal for the night.
what makes the difference is that you're giving whatever you can when you can, and cunts with millions give nothing, you're amazing and dont let anyone tell you otherwise :) xxxxx