Thursday 9 June 2011

Okay, so i just watched this. It's heartbreaking to still see children grow up in the same conditions i did. It's the 21st centry for fuck sake. Children shouldn't have to go without meals, heating or electricity. The worst thing is the government know about it, they KNOW how living BELOW the poverty line is, do they care? Obviously not.

I'm not talking about the latest trainers or name brand clothes. When your shoes are falling apart and you're playing out in the same shoes you wear for school ... When you're wearing the wrong uniform. When you can't have breakfast because your mom can't afford it.

Money's tight but ... when money has ALWAYS been tight and it's getting tigher...
Where can you turn ?
Everyone looks down on you because of the lack of money you have ... It's no wonder
poor kids feel alone, right?

Why is it fair a 7 year old knows how much everything costs and how little their family make ?
To know they'll probably never escape the council flats, damp, druggies and crime?

In my house there's 12 people living in a three bedroom house. Three of those are under 4 years.
I's full of damp & mould. No one has their own space. Everyone fights. It's not healthy the way we're expected to live. It's not ... fair.
From an early age i'd realise nothing is fair in this world.
You're judged on your level of class.
The way you talk.
The way you dress.

It's easy to just say ' get a job' but ... if you've got children and two children with health issues...
How is it possible.
Urgh i didn't wanna turn this into a 'everyone pity the poor' blog but fuck it, it is.

No one deserves to be living in poverty.
If we could change it, we would.

In November 2010 the UK came 18th out of 22 countries ranked by UNICEF for child poverty, only Slovakia , Poland , Hungary and Italy were lower.