Thursday 18 November 2010


I feel shit. Im writing a blog about me yes. Fucking judge.
Why does everyone feel the need to involve themselves in my life?
Fair enough have your opinions but please. You're nobody keep them to yourself.
I really couldn't give a shit anymore. I'm done with pretending i care what you say.
Does nobody ever stop & think what its like the be told a billion different things at once?
The ONE good thing to happen to me in months and you turn it into rubbish. It's not like
i've got a billion things to be happy about is it ?! So you choose to ruin the one thing i had.
Grrr. it's a real shame that you'll read this and again tell me your shitty views about my life...AGAIN.

I told you i had things to sort out in my head before i could even begin to understand what's going on and you still push & push bleh.

Just remember that when you're happy in your sad excuse of a relationship.


♫T♪ said...

i love ya girlie
don't let anyone bring you down.
they see you having something they want, or can't have, or they just want to "win" whatever competition theyve got going in their head about being better than everyone.
you don't need people like that, you have enough stuff to deal with right now.
stay tough kiddo! ♥