Sunday 26 December 2010


Okay i've been meaning to write about this ages.

This subject has pissed me off for many, many years but now... why is it right for Johnny Depp
to be paid 75MILLION to act in 'Pirates of the Carribean' but Live Aid 1985 only raised 40 million? Look how many people Live Aid helped & Johnny Depp made that through a few films! I was talking to a priest the other day and he said it's WRONG to buy 'The Big Issue', they'll only buy beer or drugs. Okay to sell 'The big issue' you HAVE to be clean otherwise you can't officially work for them. It's a fact. Yeah. you say ' give to the big charities' BUT ... HOW is that helping the nice man selling ' the big issue' outside ASDA? How is that making him able to buy dinner? Oh no, wait, it's not. What are the chances of HIM directly being helped ? I'd much rather give him a few quid for a magazine i'll read on my bus home then give it to an actual charity? Now if i had millions to give away (like mr. Depp) i'd definatly give alot to charitys but i'd still give to the lovely man outside ASDA, i'm not sure if this is making any sence but i can't believe people get paid that much to just star in a film or play a football match when people are living on the streets. Fucking gets depressing when you think about it. I don't know anyone that likes being homeless. Some hostals have rules, they wont take people for sexuality or religion? It's horrific to think people are driven to that ammount of poverty and people aren't doing as much as they could. Fuck it; money isn't everything. You don't have to give cash. No, food. Food you're not gunna eat. Tins in your cupboard that you WON'T eat & they'll stay there for months, untouched. Quite a few places collect food for the homeless, soup kitchens do too!
Think what you'd do if you were in their possition?!