Wednesday 30 June 2010

Im a whore.

I'm a whore, aparently.

It's so funny how i get perved on and im the whore just because i wouldn't have sex with him.

Adam had a girlfriend, he and i had met at gigs, hardly spoke but he found my msn on facebook, added me & started talking i didnt want to be rude so i replied. He got creepy VERY quickly saying the weirdest things '' Would me and you ever get together'' & ''Want me to go on cam to you naked''... Now i didn't ever lead him on i told him straight up i didn't fancy him in ANY way. I avoided him for a while, then we staretd talking again ... Got creepier... So i told him '' Dude you have a girlfriend, the way your speaking to me isn't right. Either dump Your girlfriend and carry on talking to girls like thier shit OR treat your girl right and leave other girls alone''. We then got into a massive argument, aparently guys always talk to girls like that :/ URM ive never known a guy to talk to a girl like that and get her.... i mean ive known guys to get a slap for talking like that.

To make a long story short. I told his girlfriend. She had to know. If my boyfriend was doing that to other girls i'd want to know straight away...

Yet it got turned on me i led him on :/ ? No i didn't. Ive had enough of silly people trying to make me out to be the bad guy, why would i want him?

So now on facebook ive had his silly sister getting involved in everything i do, WHAT IS IT TO HER? I wouldn't know this girl if she fell on me yet she thinks she knows me, i mean she seems to love discribing me '' whore, slag'' oh and a tosspot? She called me a stupid child yet she calls me a tosspot HA. So me and Aislinn are both childish, mindless little girls yet she tries to be all patronising, i mean i don't honestly give a shit but its pathetic... Ive lost friends because of this, Actual mates.

If anyone believes what i did was wrong well then thats your view but allow stalking my facebook and making a big show about it, i did what i KNOW is right.

Friday 25 June 2010


Is it just me or are more and more men think with thier dicks?
In the past two weeks ive been treated like some... slut. I'm really not but
wow some guys really expect me to do as they say... Your fit, i am not about to
lower my standards just to make you happy. Im not like that, i hate girls that do that, most men now expect women to be... easy otherwise thier frigid. Sillyness.
You compliment me , doesn't mean im about to jump into bed with you mate
Grow the fuck up and start acting like a REAL man

Tuesday 22 June 2010


I can't help but feel slightly pushed out by some of my friends, i love them all dearly but
since a centain person has found an ''other half'' im out of the picture. We hardly go out, when
we talk its only for a while then the convo goes dead :/ It never did before, talk for hours...
about everything and anything. I would never stop loving that person (P) But its hard. Ive just lost a boyfriend and im not asking for pity but im used to having someone to talk about shit to :/
i don't have that ... Everyones paired off and P and i were so close :/ Gah hopefully this will change soon, new relationships n'all ...

Monday 21 June 2010

Against All Odds.

Against All Odds, the girl that had no GCSE's no qualifications... Got into college.
So fuck all you people that said i was too shit to achieve anything, what can you say now ?
I prooved you ALL wrong. HAHAA !!


Monday 14 June 2010

For Hassan And Adam

Hassan your ma main mann! I wuvv youu :)

Adaaaaaaaaammm issss cominnnn too towwwwwwn! BOOM
Eeeeee cant wait to see you and find a cheapo coffe shop to get
MARRIED in yes, married. Eeeek fun times aheadd :D


Hmm this is going to turn into such a girl post BUT;;

Im baffled. I like two guys, There both amazing but
One lives so far away and hes lovely :/ it just wouldnt work
and the other ... Hes not over his ex we will call him M.
M and i haven't known eachother for long but we talk enough,
he is such a lovely guy and such a laugh and not bad looking, not that
im mad shallow :S ha. He listens , you know ? Im not claiming i love him far
from it but he is really this great :)...
The other We will call him C .... He lives in Milton Keynes, Very far...
But hes such a gent and such a cutie :) ....
Maybe im just wasting my time with these guys ? I dont know. Im just gah.
I dont want to spend forever wanting them and nothing to happen ...
I dont want to be one of those girls.... Maybe in a week or two i will have a clearer
idea of what is happening. Until then ...

Sunday 6 June 2010


I want MY FAMILY back.

We used to be this tight family and now ... were not. Its awkward as hell.
I feel bad for talking to certain people ... Gah. My (real) family life has not been the
best and well , i see my friends as family ... i want us to ALL be able to go to a gig or something
and have a nice time not dirty looks and half of us off in other places.

Gah i just want my family back. Please sort this out like adults.
I love you all.